We currently operate two band sawmills. One is a Woodmizer Lt70 with a bed extension and cutting capacity of 32 feet long. The other mill has a capacity of 58 inches wide and 22 feet long.
We provide custom sawing, from your logs or ours, including wide slab flitching and quarter sawing. With over 30 years of sawing experience, we enjoy a challenge! Our rates start at $.50 per board foot.
Kiln Drying
Our kiln is heated with a wood fired boiler utilizing residuals from the milling process. The unit consists of a heated slab, as well as radiant heat above, and a bank of fans to circulate air evenly through the stacks with the capability of finishing off hardwoods at 140 degrees for sterilization, and softwoods at 160 degrees to set the pitch. While drying, humidity is monitored daily via wet and dry bulb readings; electronics monitor and control temperature. Prices start at $.65 per board foot and is dependent upon species and thickness.
Slab Flattening
We offer slab flattening services with a precision Pro Avid CnC Machine. Our equipment can handle slabs up to 6' x 12'. Rates start at $125 an hour.